Monday, March 15, 2010

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

The Last Song was by far one of the most amazing books I have ever read. It was beautifully written, and it definitely tugs at your heart strings. I love that this was an awesome love story, but I also love the way family plays a huge part of the book, and I especially loved watching Ronnie grow up and becoming the good person that was hiding behind all the rebelliousness. My favorite character would have to be Ronnie's brother, Jonah. I laughed out loud at times. He was just too cute. And what made me cry the most was the relationship Ronnie had with her dad. I just can't say enough, how much I loved this book.

The character I hated the most was Marcus, there were others who got on my nerves at times, especially Blaze for being so stupid, but my opinion changed later on in the book.
I believe this book can be enjoyed by everyone, people of all ages. A must read!
I can't wait to see the movie (Comes out March 31st, 2010), which Nicholas Sparks also wrote the screenplay for. Christina and I will let you know what we thought about it.

- Mimi
P.S. I love the song for the movie. "When I look at you" by Miley Cyrus
The Last Song is definitely one of my favorite books of all time! Nicholas Sparks is known for his romantic books, but this had more then romance, it has the ups and downs and true struggles we go through in life.

There is not much I can say about the book that I didn’t like other than the character Marcus. He was a total douche bag that deserved to get knocked out MANY times in the book. Not only did he treat his “girlfriend” Blaze like she was a hooker, but he was an all around grade A asshole. He always thought about himself and made it a point to ruin other peoples lives.

Ronnie on the other hand made mistakes in the past, but the book shows how she grows from a girl to a woman. Not only does she fall in love for the first time, but she is forced to overcome the hatred she had towards her father for so long. The relationship between her and her father becomes so strong, which is why I loved this book so much.

This is a book that anyone can enjoy, no matter what the age! Be prepared, you WILL NEED tissues and at some parts you want to jump in the book and punch a few people. But mark my words, you will LOVE IT!

Hopefully the movie will be just as good!

- Christina
Fun Fact about The Last Song:
Nicholas Sparks wrote both the screenplay and the book with Miley Cyrus in mind.
While trying to come up with a concept for his next book, he was contacted by a producer at Disney. She had a message from Miley, who loved his books and wanted to know if he had anything lying around that could be made in to a movie that she could be in. From then on he started the screenplay, and later wrote the book.
Isn't Miley lucky to have Nicholas Sparks write a story just for her!?! Amazing!

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